The Leadership Development Program will help you understand what it takes to be a leader. You will learn about leadership disciplines and behaviors, assess your leadership strengths and weaknesses and develop an action plan to develop and practice the behaviors required to effectively lead yourself and others. The workshop will help you establish a culture of leadership, improve your leadership character traits, develop your personal capabilities, interpersonal skills, develop your capability to drive results and lead organizational change. Leadership principles will be based on the teachings of John Maxwell and Franklin Covey. Some internationally recognized and certified programs delivered are:

John Maxwell Leadership Program
- Developing the Leader within you: Learn and master the 10 Critical components of authentic, personal leadership and how leaders are made
- 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow these laws and people will follow you
- Leading through Crisis: Learn practical ways to maneuver through times of difficulty and adversity.

Franklin Covey Leadership Program
- The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team: crucial insights for first-level leaders, that will teach them how to develop a high-performing team
- The 7 habits of highly effective people: A proven process of personal and interpersonal growth that can have an immediate and lasting impact.
Leadership workshop dates are found on the events pages here
YOUTH BLOOM (Black Leaders with Options and Opportunities for Mentoring)
Youth Bloom is an advance training and personal development opportunity for young black men and women. Our programs follow a holistic and integrated approach and methodology that allows our young people to receive an intensive mix of teaching, participation in interactive workshops and collaborative projects, and to gain lived entrepreneurial or professional experience, with the aim of improving important skills needed for career and business journeys to the top
The Youth Executive Program:
This program prepares black and brown youth in Canada for professional development and career advancement by gaining practical experience and developing professional skills. The program components include business and corporate exposure, vocational training, financial training, business development, ethics and personal code of conduct, communication and teamwork. The aim is to inspire young black Canadians and prepare them for success in the real world of work through appropriate training, coaching and mentoring.
The Youth Entrepreneurship Program:
This program prepares young people for entrepreneurship by providing them with the tools and training needed to start their own business and manage it successfully. They are immersed in topics such as ideation, business plan and marketing, social media engagement, access to finance, access to markets, succession planning, strategy development and much more. They also gain access to the Black Buildup and its partners additional resources such as business mentors, start-up capital, incubation centers and networking opportunities.